Why the 28th of the month?
There is a tradition, started by St. Alphonsus Liguori and continued by the Redemptorists—as well as many lay families throughout the world—of celebrating “Little Christmas” on the 25th of each month. Because the feast of the Holy Innocents (also called Childermas) is celebrated on December 28th, just three days after Christmas, we celebrate a “Little Innocents Day” or “Little Childermas” on the 28th of each month to ask the Holy Innocents to intercede for an end to abortion.
Who are the Holy Innocents?
The Holy Innocents are the male children under 2 who were killed by Herod after the birth of Christ. They are honored by the Church as martyrs, and their feast is celebrated on December 28th—one of the few feasts privileged to fall within the Octave of Christmas.
How can I get involved?
The laity can pray, fast, and give alms for Little Innocents Day. Resources for these can be found here. You can spread the word about this devotion to other people, including your priest, your bishop, and other laity. You could also form a group at your parish to pray the devotion together every month. The more people ask the Holy Innocents to intercede for an end to abortion, the more innocent lives will be saved.
Priests can offer Votive Masses of the Holy Innocents, make commemorations of the Holy Innocents (in the Extraordinary Form), and offer public devotions like holy hours and novenas in honor of the Holy Innocents to pray for an end to abortion. More resources to come!