The Little Office of the Holy Innocents is now available! It was composed in the style of the medieval Little Offices using texts from the Divine Office for the feast of the Holy Innocents.
Little Offices arose in imitation of the Divine Office, but in a simpler form. They were popular among the laity in the middle ages, who did not have access to the full breviary or time to pray the entire Divine Office, but still wanted a way to sanctify their day according to the canonical hours.
It is prayed seven times throughout the day. The approximate times given for each hour are traditional, but communities and individuals have flexibility in adjusting the schedule to their days’ work. Feel free to pray it on Little Innocents Day or whenever else you’d like to ask the intercession of these first Martyrs of God.
For other prayers, check out our Resources for the Laity page. If you have a suggestion for a prayer or other resource you think we should include on the website, contact us here.
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